70: The Disco Rabbi

This Year, 2022, marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of Migdal Ohr in 1972 by Israel Prize Laureate Rabbi Yitzchak David Grossman.
How did the choshuv Rav Grossman come to be known as the Disco Rabbi? How did he create something so big that he even has the backing of the government? And lastly, why does everyone love this man?
Migdal Ohr was founded by Rav Grossman in Migdal Haemek which was known to be one of the most crime-ridden cities in Israel. He saw there was a need to give children a home. These children were either orphaned, neglected, or homelss. He started with talking to just one child in the disco which lead to him becoming the chief rabbi of Migdal Haemek.
Today there are over 10,112 students, with over 20,000 Migdal Ohr alumni, and over 1,317 staff and volunteer members.
In this episode we will hear from Atara Solo and Mickey Flaumenhaft who are the associates of Rav Grossman here in America. We will hear stories of the raw and what he has built in these 50 years.
Right now they are writing a Sefer Torah. To get involved go to www.migdalohrusa.org
or Call: 212-397-3700
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It's What You Do With What You Have That Makes A Difference.