68: Exclusive Interview With 9/11 Survivor, Moshe Moskowitz

Everyone remembers where they were on 9/11.
💙 Even though I was so young, I still remember exactly where I was and the papers that I saw flying through the air, but my story is for another time.
💙 I have opened up my platform to speak to a 9/11 survivor and I feel so honored and humbled to have the opportunity to interview him about his traumatic yet at the same time life changing story.
💙 Many of you know him as the owner of Jump Into Shape, but did you know that he is a survivor of the biggest terror attach that America ever had?
💙 His story shook me to the core and I know it will do the same to you. This episode is dedicated to all those innocent people who lost their lives on this day and I also want to dedicate it to the man who saved this man's life. You will hear it all on the show.
💙 Moshe Moskowitz worked on the 79th floor in the second building and he describes how he felt when the plane crashed through the tower. He never thought it was terrorism. He talks about how Hashem not only saved him physically, but also spiritually.
Tune in to hear it all!
Check out Moshe Moskowitz's business at https://www.jumpintoshape.fun/
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